Hours |
Monday -
Friday 8 AM - 5 PM |
8 AM - Noon |
Sunday - Closed |
Visit Us |
3000 Atascocita
Rd. |
Humble, Texas |
281-441-7773 |
Contact Us |
281-441-7773 |
bowdenmarine@embarqmail.com |
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Prices on Equipment Below! |
Call for special pricing
listed on product listed here. We always are looking for
ways to get you the best price on the equipment that you are
looking for. At times the prices may be less than our
cost! Call now and let's make a deal! |
Bass Cat Caracal STS / 250 Mercury 4S Pro XS |
New |
Sells new for $97,255
Discounted to $82,400
$82,400 |
Bass Cat Caracal STS / 250 Yamaha SHO |
New |
Sells new for $98,770
Disounted to $83,200